Don’t rush to get your licence. There’s no point in taking your driving test if you are not ready. You’re driving instructor will advise you when he thinks you are ready, rushing to pass your driving test will only leave you lacking the experience you really need to be on the road on your own.
After spending lots of time and hours with your driving instructor, he or she will have a pretty good idea about whether or not you are ready for the challenge of passing your driving test. If they put you forward before you are ready, this will harm their pass rate, knock your confidence and waste their time. If they think you are ready, have faith in yourself, if they think you can do it, you probably can!
Hoping for dry and sunny weather is the norm for taking your driving test but you may not be lucky and there is no guarantee with the British weather, so make sure you practice in the rain and sunshine so you feel confident should the weather take a turn for the worse.
Once you know where your driving test centre is, Make sure you have practised on all the different roads around there, try and get to know the test routes beforehand, you’re driving instructor should be able to help you with this. If you live in Dudley, stick to a local test centre so you will know the roads.
Read the Highway Code again, and make sure you are up to date with the meanings of road signs, check the latest DVLA standards of driving just in case it has changed by the time you take your driving test.
Exaggerate the mirror checks on your driving test, check them often and regularly, the examiners are trained to look out for you checking your mirrors; it certainly won’t hurt to overdo it to make sure they see you doing it.
Don’t book your driving test at a time when you have other commitments, make sure it falls at a time when you can give it your undivided attention, giving yourself the best chance of passing.
Find your local test centre in Dudley, West Midlands by asking your driving instructor, he will be able to point you in the right direction.
